Self-Revisiting Program

This is a seminar-workshop on self-rediscovery, appreciation, and value. It focuses on helping individuals (re)discover strengths, weaknesses, and the external factors that motivate or hamper their full personal development. Most of the workshop is on mindset, perceived difficulties, past experiences, and how these can make or break an individual.

Working Right, Working Light

This seminar will help participants validate their current involvements, rediscover their passions, and provide encouragement for those who wish to revisit what it is that they really want to be and to do and to give it a chance. This module is a discussion on the value of work whether as an employee or as an entrepreneur. It covers seminars on work values and ethics, performance enhancement, intra and entrepreneurship principles and opportunities

Professional Image Development

This seminar will help participants validate their current involvements, rediscover their passions, and provide encouragement for those who wish to revisit what it is that they really want to be and to do and to give it a chance. This module is a discussion on the value of work whether as an employee or as an entrepreneur. It covers seminars on work values and ethics, performance enhancement, intra and entrepreneurship principles and opportunities

Financial Stewardship

This seminar helps people look at their spending and saving patterns and how they can be improved to ensure financial growth. It will present discussions on factors affecting personal finance and several models on how to save and invest.

Enhancing Relationships

In this engaging seminar, discover the keys to nurturing and strengthening your interpersonal connections. Explore effective communication techniques, emotional intelligence, and practical strategies for building more meaningful relationships in both personal and professional spheres. Join us on a journey to enhance your understanding of human dynamics and unlock the potential for deeper, more fulfilling connections with others.

Brother’s Keeper

This seminar presents principles of how to give back to others through various activities based on one’s strengths and interests. It will showcase individuals who have successfully integrated and helped the disadvantaged sectors of society through personal advocacies. Through these talks, participants are inspired to reflect and look at possible areas where they could help within their communities using their talents, time, and other available resources.

We have the expertise and creative capacity to meticulously craft a selection of discussion topics, each uniquely customized to align with the distinctive characteristics, objectives, and aspirations of your upcoming event. My commitment to tailoring these topics ensures that they are not only highly relevant but also perfectly attuned to the specific theme, audience demographics, and overarching goals of your occasion. By entrusting us with the task of curating topics, you can expect a bespoke and thoughtfully designed agenda that will undoubtedly elevate the overall quality and engagement levels of your event, leaving a lasting impression on your attendees.

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